长鸿代理有限公司是一家以香港为基地的国际化货运代理公司,自2002年成立起,一直稳步成长。公司在发展历程中, 积极参与高速发展的物流市场竞争, 在国际货运代理业务中累积了丰富的经验,为达到公司的宗旨和目标,我们聘请的员工拥有良好的培训及丰富经验,他们的专业知识和技能成为我们为客户提供优质服务的一个重要优势。
厦门永锐长鸿国际货运代理有限公司成立于2012年, 是一家可承办海陆空进出口货物的国际运输代理企业,服务项目包括:揽货、定舱、拖车、仓储、报关、报检、中转、短途运输、集装箱拼箱装拆业务等等。我们旨在全心全意地提供先进的、高质量的物流服务,以确保每一位客户都能得到满意、及时的服务。
Forever gain agencies is an international freight forwarding company based in hong kong. The company growth steadily year by year since 2002.We equipped our company with a team of well-trained and experienced staffs in order to serve our clients in any aspects.
Xiamen Forever Gain International Cargo Agent Ltd is a classic A international forwarder which founded in 2012 and was staffed by a highly educated and experienced team with many years of experiences in forwarding and shipping. Its agents network spreads in Hongkong, mainland China like Fuzhou, Yantai, Qingdao, Lianyungang, Nanjing, Shenzhen, Shanghai, Ningbo, Shantou, Tianjin and other countries ,i.e. Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Southeast Asia, Africa, India, Pakistan .It aims to provide first-class services to our valued customers all-over the world. Now our operating services include: warehousing, customs declaration, inland transportation and trucking services.etc,.
We ensure the cargo will be professionally handled under our specific skills. Our vision of being the leading provider of global transportation and logistics services is the value of our complete solutions -that will continue to drive our company to success..